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最后更新: 2017-12-06 12:37

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是否有现货: 认证: 中国船级社ccs认证
品牌: ccs船用泵 原理: 真空泵
材质: 铸铜 驱动方式: 电动
性能: 不阻塞 泵轴位置: 边立式
叶轮数目: 单级 产量: 1000


船用喷射泵做船舰排疏水系统的排疏水设备用,也可用于输送混合液体、混合气体、气液混合物、各种粉体,更适合真空引水、真空蒸发,真空过滤、真空干燥、脱臭等,喷射泵的基本工作原理可由其主要部件概括为喷,吸,混,扩。喷射泵是利用高压工作流体经喷嘴产生25-50米/秒的高速射流,在吸入室形成低压,隐射被输送的液体,工作液体裹带被引射流体共同进入混合室进行充分混合与能量交换,再经扩压室将动能转换成压力能排出。The Series of various types of jet pump for ship drainage system drainage equipment, can also be used for conveying liquid, gas mixture, the mixture of gas and liquid, powder, more suitable for vacuum diversion, vacuum evaporation, vacuum filtration, vacuum drying, deodorizing. The basic working principle of jet pump by the main components of the first word is wraparound for "spray, suction, mixed, expansion of" four words. Namely: the injection pump is the use of high-voltage workflow body through the nozzle to produce 25 ~50m/s high-speed jet (Spray); formed in the suction chamber pressure, ejection of transported liquid (Suction); working fluid wrapped with the ejected fluid into the mixing chamber for mixing together with the energy exchange (Mixed); again diffuser chamber by converting kinetic energy into pressure energy discharge (Expanded).



